When we decided that we wanted to create a high-performance styling range, pure as well as effective, the topic of nature meets science immediately took over the conversation.
Inspired by the rise of solar panels in local areas providing natural clean energy, we started talking about a few ingredients in our products that could easily be replaced by more natural sources. After extensive testing, we discovered many alternative natural ingredients perfect for our products, giving long lasting performance and pliable textures without having to use synthetic alternatives like mineral oil, parabens and silicones.
Inspired by the rise of solar panels in local areas providing natural clean energy, we started talking about a few ingredients in our products that could easily be replaced by more natural sources. After extensive testing, we discovered many alternative natural ingredients perfect for our products, giving long lasting performance and pliable textures without having to use synthetic alternatives like mineral oil, parabens and silicones.
We are more than happy to provide advice on product selections, get in touch with the team today.